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May 4, 2023

Bugs Hatching in the Cupholders on the White River Arkansas with Chad Johnson.

Bugs Hatching in the Cupholders on the White River Arkansas with Chad Johnson.

Episode 90 of The Destination Angler Podcast – May 4, 2023 Podcast on fly-fishing the mighty White River in Northern, Arkansas with Chad Johnson, owner of CJ’s White River Outfitter.

Our destination is fly-fishing the mighty White River in Northern, Arkansas with Chad Johnson, owner of CJ’s White River Outfitter.  The White River below Bull Shoals Dam offers over 55 miles of quality trout water and is world-famous for Brown trout the size of your leg, including 38 lb. brown trout caught just a few years ago.   

white river rainbow  Dave Whitlock  White River Brown Trout with Chad Johnson

Chad grew up in Mississippi catfishing on the Perl River until he was invited on a weekend fly-fishing trip to Arkansas.  Even after catching only 4 trout, he became obsessed with fly fishing, moved to Arkansas to work at Dally’s Ozark Fly Fisher, and now is the head guide.  Chad shares his expertise on targeting big Browns, springtime hatches, and nymphing year around, along with some funny stories about his good friend, Dave Whitlock.  Bonus:  where to wade when the water is high.

With host, Steve Haigh 

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Top Flies for the White River:

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Contact Chad:

Please check out our Sponsors:

  • Angler’s Coffee - elevating the coffee experience for the fly-fishing community & anglers everywhere with small-batch coffee delivered to your doorstep.  https://anglerscoffee.com/   | Facebook & Instagram @anglerscoffeeco   
  • New England Nets - makers of handmade hardwood landing nets for anglers everywhere. Exceptional quality that will complement your catch of a lifetime.  newenglandnets@gmail.com | Instagram:  @newenglandnets
  • TroutRoutes - the #1 Trout Fishing app, helping you find new trout water so you spend less time on the road and more time fishing.  https://troutinsights.com/ | Facebook @troutinsights Instagram @TroutRoutes 

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Comments & Suggestions:  host, Steve Haigh, email shaigh50@gmail.com

Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts

Recorded April 21, 2020.  Episode 90

Music on the show by A Brother’s Fountain, “Hitch Hike-Man”.