Welcome to the Destination Angler Podcast!
Aug. 6, 2020

Fly Fishing Alpine Lakes & Streams in Rocky Mountain National Park with Tom Caprio, 5280 Angler.

Fly Fishing Alpine Lakes & Streams in Rocky Mountain National Park with Tom Caprio, 5280 Angler.

The Destination Angler Podcast – August 7, 2020
Our destination is the alpine lakes and streams in Rocky Mountain National Park in beautiful Colorado.  Our guest is expert backcountry guide and fly fisherman, Tom Caprio, with 5280 Angler.

This week our destination are the alpine lakes and streams in Rocky Mountain National Park in beautiful Colorado.  Our guest is expert backcountry guide and fly fisherman, Tom Caprio, with 5280 Angler. Tom specializes in backcountry angling and has fished the Park for over 30 years.  Hear an overview of the endless fishing opportunities at altitude, tips on how to read alpine lakes, food sources for trout at altitude, simplifying your gear, effects of wind and weather on fly selection, must-have flies, safety, and more.  Added bonus, how to size up lakes for fishing potential with topo maps and Google Earth.  So if you want to escape the crowds and the heat down low, listen while Tom enlightens us on the amazing fishing opportunities at altitude in this spectacular part of the world. 

With host, Steve Haigh.

5280 Anglerhttps://5280angler.com/

  • On Instagram: @5280angler or @TomCaprioFlyfishing
  • Tom Caprio:  303.601.3727 cell

Tom’s Top Flies for RMNP:

  • Chubby Chernobyl: olive and brown bodies: 12/14/16
  • Stimulator: 12 yellow body
  • Elk caddis: 16/18 yellow or brown body
  • Ant- black/ red:  parachute- 16/18
  • Beetle: 16 black
  • Hopper: 12  
  • Beadhead pheasant tail- 14/16/18 (soft hackles work well too)
  • Beadhead prince- 16/18
  • Egg- apricot-16
  • San Juan or Squirmy worm- brown / pink
  • Orange asher-14 or 16
  • Black Midge emergers: 18/20
  • Rainbow Warrior: 18
  • Griffiths Gnat- 18
  • Parachute adams- 14/16/18/20
  • Wooly worm- olive or black-12
  • Scud- olive 16, orange 12
  • Beadhead wooly bugger: olive and black 12

RMNP resources:

Destination Angler:

  • On Facebook

Comments, suggestions, and guides interested in being on the show, contact host, Steve Haigh, email shaigh50@gmail.com

Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or where ever you get your podcasts

Recorded July 30, 2020.  Episode 16.

Podcast edited by Podcast Volume  https://www.podcastvolume.com/

Music on the show by A Brother’s Fountain, “Hitch Hike-Man”  on Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/track/406xtacQIl0jIvWElyLRfC?si=KT8jSjpFTrSQORaJuvsGIA