Off the Grid in the Maine North Woods with Nate Tower

The Destination Angler Podcast – April 6, 2023
Our destination is the Maine North Woods with Nate Tower, owner of Heritage Waters Guide Service.
Our destination is the Maine North Woods with Nate Tower, owner of Heritage Waters Guide Service. If you’re looking for an off-the-grid, unpressured fly-fishing experience, then the Maine North Woods is it. Encompassing over 3.5 million acres, these unspoiled waters are home to healthy, intact populations of wild and hungry native Brook trout and salmon.
After a life-changing trip to Montana as a teenager and a basketball coach who taught him to cast, Nate knew he was destined to make fly fishing his life’s passion. Today, Nate runs his guiding business and gives us a rundown of the area, how to scope out the best ponds, strategies, and tactics for big Brookies, why water temps, wind, and structure are so important, his top confidence fly patterns, and how to spot those all-important cold springs. So pack your satellite phone and gas up the truck because we’re going off the grid to the Maine North Woods.
With host, Steve Haigh
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Top Flies for the Maine North Woods:
- @DestinationAnglerPodcast on Facebook and Instagram
Contact Nate:
- | (207) 557-1741
- Instagram: @wandering_and_wading | Facebook: @heritagewatersguideservice
Please check out our Sponsors:
- New England Nets - makers of handmade hardwood landing nets for anglers everywhere. Exceptional quality that will compliment your catch of a lifetime. | Instagram: @newenglandnets
- TroutRoutes - the #1 Trout Fishing app, helping you find new trout water so you spend less time on the road and more time fishing. | Facebook @troutinsights Instagram @TroutRoutes
- Angler’s Coffee - elevating the coffee experience for the fly-fishing community & anglers everywhere with small-batch coffee delivered to your doorstep. | Facebook & Instagram @anglerscoffeeco
Destination Angler:
· Get updates and pictures of destinations covered on each podcast: @DestinationAnglerPodcast on Instagram and Facebook
· Join in the conversation with the @DestinationAnglerConnection group on Facebook.
Comments & Suggestions: host, Steve Haigh, email
Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts
Recorded March 16, 2023. Episode 88
Music on the show by A Brother’s Fountain, “Hitch Hike-Man”.