June 29, 2023

Sight Casting the Rugged and Remote Devils River in Texas with Kevin Stubbs

Sight Casting the Rugged and Remote Devils River in Texas with Kevin Stubbs

Episode 94 of the Destination Angler Podcast – June 29, 2023. Our Destination is the rugged and remote Devils River in Southwest Texas with Kevin Stubbs, Expedition Outfitters, New Braunfels, Texas.

Our destination is the rugged and remote Devils River in Southwest Texas with Kevin Stubbs, Expedition Outfitters, New Braunfels, Texas.  The Devils River is known for gin clear, spring-fed water that offers unmatched sight fishing for Smallmouth and Largemouth bass.

Devils River Texas  Devils River Largemouth Bass  Devils River Indian Pictograph

A Texas native, Kevin has been guiding this area for 20 years. As a young man, he moved to Colorado to train bird dogs and fly fish, then Seattle to work for a NASCAR team that went bankrupt crashing too many cars.  Kevin was destined for guiding as he soon learned sitting behind a desk. Kevin breaks down the Devils River and shares stories of settlers, Comanches, and Indian pictographs, the King Ranch, Nolan Ryan, and Brad Pitt, along with tips on targeting carp and smallies. 

Bonus:  the Guadalupe River, our southernmost trout stream in America.

With host, Steve Haigh 

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Top Flies for the Devils River:

Contact Kevin at Expedition Outfitters:

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Comments & Suggestions:  host, Steve Haigh, email shaigh50@gmail.com

Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Recorded May 27, 2023.  Episode 94

Music on the show by A Brother’s Fountain, “Hitch Hike-Man”.