June 30, 2022

The Madison River with Dave Kumlien

The Madison River with Dave Kumlien

The Destination Angler Podcast – June 30, 2022
Our destination is the famed Madison River in Southwest Montana with veteran outfitter, Dave Kumlien, founder of Montana Troutfitters fly shop.

Our destination is the famed Madison River in Southwest Montana with veteran outfitter, Dave Kumlien, founder of Montana Troutfitters.  Southwest Montana is chock full of world-class water and the Madison River just may be the crown jewel.  Designated a Blue-Ribbon trout stream, the Madison has it all--large trout and high fish counts, prolific hatches and incredible scenery, and of course the famous 50-mile riffle!    

Dave gives us the low down on the Madison from top to bottom and provides a unique perspective from his nearly 50 years of guiding and fighting for anglers, guides, and the rivers we love.  Stories of Mother’s Day Caddis “snakes”, giant fish in Hebgen Lake, the great fishing below Ennis Lake, and the real story behind Montana’s stream access laws and the growth in angling pressure.  

This show was recorded end of May before the historic Yellowstone floods of 2022.  With host, Steve Haigh

Pictures of the Madison River and Dave’s top fly picks: @DestinationAnglerPodcast on Instagram and Facebook

About Dave Kumlien

Top flies for the Madison:

Midges -- Dry Fly-Griffith’s Gnat 18-20   Nymph-Zebra Midge black size 18

BWO--Dry Fly-Olive Sparkle Dun #16  Emerger  Batwing Emerger #16

Caddis -- Dry Fly-Elk Hair, Peacock, Henryville, Hemingway caddis  Pupa-Partridge and Peacock soft hackle 12-14

Salmonfly -- Dry Fly-Flutterbug and Macsalmonfly  Nymph-Pat’s Rubber legs black 4-6

Hopper -- Dry Fly Dave’s Hopper, Morrish Hopper 6-8-10

Nocturnal Stone -- Chubby Chornobyl gold size 8  Nymph  Pat’s Rubberlegs gold and tan size 6-8

Fall Baetis --Same flies in smaller size #18

Streamers--JJ’s, Platt River Special, Grey Rabbit Sculpin, Crayfish, Flashabuggers Sizes 2-8

Please check out our Sponsors:

  • Angler’s Coffee - elevating the coffee experience for the fly-fishing community & anglers everywhere with small-batch coffee delivered to your doorstep.  https://anglerscoffee.com/   | Facebook & Instagram @anglerscoffeeco    
  • Trout Routes - the #1 Trout Fishing app, helping you find new trout water so you spend less time on the road and more time fishing.  https://troutinsights.com/ | Facebook @troutinsights Instagram @TroutRoutes 
  • JP Ross Fly Rods & Company - specializing in small stream rods:   Use Happyfish for $50 off any rod purchase.  https://www.jprossflyrods.com/    | Facebook @jprossandcompany   Instagram @jprossflyrods. 

Destination Angler:

  • Get updates and pictures of destinations covered on each podcast: @DestinationAnglerPodcast on Instagram and Facebook
  • Join in the conversation with the @DestinationAnglerConnection group on Facebook.

Comments & Suggestions:  host, Steve Haigh, email shaigh50@gmail.com

Available on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts

Recorded May 25, 2022.  Episode 68

Music on the show by A Brother’s Fountain, “Hitch Hike-Man”.   

Podcast edited by Podcast Volume  https://www.podcastvolume.com/