Welcome to the Destination Angler Podcast!
The Destination Angler Podcast


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Highly recommended!!!
Absolutely one of my favorite podcasts! Steve has curated an incredible list of anglers, tyers, authors and outdoorsmen and women who have shared a wealth of knowledge, tips and trips with his listeners. I have really enjoyed his conversations, learned a ton and get inspired to travel and try new waters all along the way. One thing I really appreciate is that Steve leaves the spotlight on his guests, and is careful to not speak over them while they’re sharing and asks great questions to keep things flowing smoothly. It’s very easy and interesting to listen to! Highly recommended podcast!
The best
Steve, like you, I read his book and his dad’s and watched “The Movie” several times. Your two part interview was spectacular. You even got the rest of the story about the opening from the researchers at University of Chicago. As outdoors oriented podcast go, you truly are the best. Jim
Both [Blackfoot River] episodes were outstanding. Pulling the curtains back on the book and movie was quite entertaining. Ready to watch / read again.
Love this podcast. I can fly fish and travel without leaving my car! The people and interviews are so compelling and well done. Makes me want to travel to new waters, but also helps me appreciate my home waters.
Praising destination podcast
Great job!! Steve asks great questions to keep the narrative moving along. He respects the subject interviewed and genuinely expresses interest throughout.
Experiences & Knowledge
Steve and all of his guests not only give great knowledge about streams, rivers, high-country, and general fly fishing, they make you yearn to get out and experience the stories they relay and the water they talk about. A great podcast series, worth the listen - every single time.
Honestly one of the best podcasts for outdoor travel and fly fishing
I have been a long time listener to the Destination Angler podcast. This is one of the best outdoors related podcasts on any platform hands down. Many other podcasts get boring over time, but Steve keeps the conversation going and is on to a new destination with great stories. To me if feels a lot like the book, The Optimist by David Coggins. Every episode paints new picture of an awesome fishery as told by the guides that know, love and work to preserve the watershed for future generations. Keep up the great work Steve! And if you get up to the Driftless Area or Western Wisconsin, do not hesitate to reach out.
Destination Angler
There’s a good mix of guides and fishery experts that make the podcast interesting and informative. I’ve poured through several past episodes after finding the show.
Just what I was looking for
Very informative and easy listening, love the in depth questions that pick some of the world's best fishermen's brains!
Trip Planner
No such thing as coincidences I guess. I tuned into the podcast a couple of days after learning that my daughter, just graduated from high school, landed a job in Custer State Park in South Dakota. We will be escorting her to the park end of July. As a bonafide trout bum I immediately wondered how the fishing was in the area. The latest podcast was an interview with Rapid City fly shop owner, Hans, and gave me a perfect primer on fishing opportunities in the very area I will be visiting for four days. The interview questions mirrored what I would likely be asking Hans if we were face to face. What a great resource this podcast is for anybody planning or just thinking about taking a trip. I will be checking out the podcast archive for future spots to travel. Well done!
Loving the Destination Angler
I recently met Steve on a trip to central PA. What a great guy and a great podcast host. I've really enjoyed listening to the podcast and hearing all of the stories from guides around the country. It's helped me get through a bunch of road trips already. Give it a listen!
5 star from an avid traveling fly fisherman
The destination angler hosts some fishy guest that anyone can pick up a thing or two from. Us fly fisherman love to travel, see new sights, catch new species and explore. This podcast can fuel that energy to book your next trip. Cheers @clay_fishonfilm
Slinging meat with Don
Very informative. I’ve actually fished with Don several times. he's a true keeper of the river. the world needs more people like him
Ideal for traveling anglers
Steve is an excellent host. He asks the questions I would ask of folk who work on water I want to fish.
The perfect podcast
Steve has the perfect guests. Folk that work on the water I want to fish. Steve ask the perfect questions, stuff I want to know. Steve has the perfect amount of time for each podcast, long enough to get all the information and short enough to keep my interest.
Love this Podcast
The Destination Angler Podcast is one of my two favorite fishing podcasts. The other is the Orvis Fly Fishing Podcast. The hosts styles and their focuses are quite different, and I really like both of them. I particularly enjoy this podcast’s focus on super interesting fly fishing destinations. These range from locations that are on most anglers bucket list to much lesser known and offbeat locations. I think of Destination Angler as fly fishing travelogue. I highly recommend giving this podcast a listen!
Love this Podcast!
The Destination Angler Podcast is one of my two favorite fishing podcasts. The other is the Orvis Fly Fishing Podcast. The hosts styles and their focuses are quite different, and I really like both of them. I particularly enjoy this podcast’s focus on super interesting fly fishing destinations. These range from locations that are on most anglers bucket list to much lesser known and offbeat locations. I think of Destination Angler as fly fishing travelogue. I highly recommend giving this podcast a listen!
Best Realistic podcast
I really enjoy the podcast. I love that it covers mostly locations in the United States that are more realistic locations for most anglers. Steve covers the destination from the standpoint of the average fisherman looking for some adventure travel. I have journeyed to a couple of destinations that Steve has covered and put a few more on my bucket list. I’ve also eliminated some. It’s my favorite podcast.
Great fly fishing podcast
Steve does a great job with this podcast! It’s always fun to listen to an episode of somewhere I’ve fished before or to learn about a new destination!!!
My favorite Fly Fishing Podcast!
I am a Fly Fishing Angler and YouTuber that loves to explore new water and fly fish new destinations. The Destination Angler Podcast is right in the sweet spot for me when it comes to enjoyable fly fishing destination conversation. Keep up the great work!! Tightlines
Best podcast ever
Love this podcast!!! Fish so many new and amazing places with inspiration from Steve. Great content!!!!
Gods questions; great guest
I listened to the episode with Jerry Kustich, one of the infamous Boo Boys and an amazing writer. First, Good on the host for finding Jerry. He is an amazing and under appreciated fly fishing personality. There were great, thoughtful questions and answers that will keep anglers listening and learning.
Amazing fly fishing podcast
Each podcast has its own unique perspective of fly fishing as it discusses the exciting opportunities to explore rivers, streams, and lakes. Each time I listen to any podcast it makes me have the urge to get out and become closer to nature and of course hook and land some fish. Thank you Steve for connecting us to amazing stories and great information!
Excellent Fly Fishing podcast!
This is the best fly fishing podcast I’ve ever listened to. My wife discovered it while on a 14 hour drive from a Colorado ski trip back to our home in Texas. After listening to a few episodes, I canceled our motel stay and made it on home listening to one on trout, salmon and bears in Alaska. Steve does a great job hosting some outstanding guests. I haven’t heard one any better. I can’t wait to listen to more episodes on my way to some of these destinations!
Fantastic podcast for the traveling fly fisher!
I especially enjoy listening to Steve’s interviews with experienced guides that share their stories and expectations for fishing their home waters. Steve is a talented interviewer and as an angler himself, seeks answers to common questions his listeners may have that are planning to book new fishing adventures.
Excellent podcast!!
I am the owner of an adventure fishing company so when I came upon this podcast I had to give it a listen. I was very impressed with the quality and professionalism, but the content and the guests are what makes the show! This is a podcast to out on top of your stack!
Most interesting podcast ever
I love that this podcast goes so much deeper than just how to catch fish. Abe had some of the best stories, and insights about everything from bears to Secret Service agents on the trip, and of course trout. But the added bonus of his insights into photography and photographic composition were fascinating. 90 minutes just flew by
Best all-around fishing podcast on either side of the Pecos!
Over the last few years, I've listened to numerous fishing podcasts and this one--The Destination Angler--can't be beat for the broad diversity of topics covered, intelligent dialogue, and depth to which myriad subjects are explored. Sometimes I listen to an episode just to learn more about a particular area or region--even if I never intend to fish there. The host, Steve Haigh, is a consummate professional who seems to effortlessly get his guests to reveal nuggets of fishing insight and wisdom no matter their background.
Phil Rowley is The Man!
Steve, you gave Phil Rowley a great stage and he shared an amazing range of knowledge. Especially interesting was his discussion of British Columbia’s lake stocking strategy — with “Triploid” and “Diploid” genetic variants, and their ability to stock “monocultures” vs. “multi cultures” depending on the competing species in each lake. It was also fascinating to learn how shallow many of the best lakes are in BC/Kamloops/Caribou region. GREAT stuff, Steve, and well hosted! Thanks!
Outfitters tell all
Fascinating guests and Steve know how to ask them all the right questions. You get great fishing info plus some great stories too.